Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT)
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) is a technique of hypnosis created by the late Dolores Cannon which she developed and refined over her 45 year career as a Regressive Hypnotherapist, working with thousands of clients in countries all over the world. I have taken training with Dolores and I am certified to practice her method for my own clients.
Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression", and that is exactly how Quantum Healing Hypnosis started, with exploration of Past Lives. Today, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than just Past Lives are available to experience. Some people experience Future Lives, Parallel Lives, Lives on Other Planets, Lives in Other Dimensions. Some people visit the Spirit Side. Some people find themselves in the Akashic Records and still others visit the Temple of Healing. Quantum Healing Hypnosis focuses on the concept that the client will go to "the most appropriate time and place" to address any requests for healing or information.
Why would someone wish to experience a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session? Any number of reasons!
Some people are looking for help with healing a physical issue or disease. Other people have emotional issues or relationship problems. Some people want to know what their life purpose is, or if they are on the right path. Still others have questions about reality and consciousness itself and are looking for answers or just out of curiosity.
During a QHHT Session you may experience one or more "lives" and discover deep and profound connections to your current life situation. Then, we make a connection to your Higher Self or Oversoul, that part of us that Dolores Cannon called the Subconscious . There we can ask for answers and appropriate healing.
A Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session is consisted of:
(i) We begin with the pre talk, this is where we discuss aspects of your life, issues etc. at hand and your prearranged questions that will be used later on in the actual session while you are in trance in communication with your Subconscious mind.
(ii) We then move on to the session where you will be gently guided into approximately 3 lifetimes in total based on how fast or slow you navigate through this portion. Many aspects of those lifetimes will be explored to help connect the dots between those lifetimes and this current one. You will notice that you will be shown the lifetimes that are most appropriate for what you are dealing with at present. You will then be guided into communicating with your subconscious/higher self, here is where I will be your representative and ask those prepared questions.
(iii) After the actual trance portion we will move into the post talk to discuss your experience.
The entire session is 3 hours long.
Book a QHHT session HERE